Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Daily Moper

The Daily Moper 

       I have a habit of moping around. I question why things happen the way that they do as if continuing to mope will change things.
       I recently started reading a book called The Power of Now. I find the book inspiring even though my brother and mom may not like the book. It's not necessarily the easiest read in the world but it has slowly been revealed to me what the "power of now" means. Basically it is all about focusing on the present moment; duh! That becoming secure, and happy in what is happening right now is the only way we should be living, but lets face it, most of us aren't!
      I seem to be worrying about what could have been different in the past or daydreaming about my future. What a life right? Today I did exactly that for about 4 hours and then realized what I was doing and said NO!
      Being a Christian, I have been taught to have faith in God's plan and I'm not. I question Him as if He has no idea what he's doing, but what if I didn't? What if whatever happened in my life I said, today is just today? Right now, in this moment I feel (whatever way I'm feeling), but I want to be happy, so.....I'm going to do something that makes me happy.
      It should be that simple. Instead, I mope and watch a cheezy drama series on Netflix to get my mind off my problems knowing that it's not going to make me any happier. I think it's time we stop moping and learn to live happily and free.

Until Next Time,


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